Scalable ticketing system
Designed and developed a ticketing system for a global endurance sports company recognized for its cycling tournaments for casual racers and professional athletes.

The challenge
GFNY wanted to replace Eventbrite with their own custom platform that functions as a central informational space and a registration solution for Gran Fondo cycle marathon races. The site had to perform consistently across several countries, including different letter types, tax policies, custom tickets, awards, and much more.

The road was blocked.
How do you assign points in cycling marathon races? Do you collect data before or after the event? What kind of data should be included in the registration form?
The largest obstacle for our team was the industry knowledge, or lack thereof. It was clear that we needed to learn and master new things in order to understand the organizational process of cycling events.
Locastic transformed our project with this technology. They’ve been amazing, they understood complex problems and parameters that are specific to our industry. The features they created exceeded all our expectations.
Lidia Fluhme
President at GFNY

Building the platform from scratch.
We approached this project in an iterative manner, so each and every new feature was technically a new release. We kicked things off with Events and ticket purchases, then results, medals, new events, custom tickets, custom payments, and check-in features followed. The project is still ongoing as we’re working on the upgrade/downgrade of ticket types, QR code scan at check-in, payment in instalments, subscription/club/coaching, post-race survey, etc.

Over 20 countries worldwide
We have developed over 2500 features and we wanted to show you some of them…

Licensee business support
Each race has a separate licensee entity that handles event organization, payments, result uploads, medals etc. The platform also supports multiple license owners, staff members, group-ride coordinators, and timers.

Each race is timed by a third-party Timer in charge of official results and rankings. We had to create different types of templates (for each event type) in .xlsx sheets that can take in the Timers data and be uploaded into the platform, which uses the imported data to calculate rankings, qualifications, categories, medals etc.

Users and permissions
Complex system of permissions that allows tailoring very specific roles based on the client’s needs – like staff members, super admins, admins, timer, tourism representatives, group ride coordinators, racers, licensees and their staff members, partners, and translators.

Licensee owners and Admins can create custom medals (multiple finishers, champions, finishers in one year etc.) with completely customizable graphics. Also, custom certificates and medals can be added for each race that can be easily shared on social media, printed out and framed.

Waivers and registration
Custom waivers (release of liability, appropriate age, agreeing with terms and conditions, medical check) per event supporting multiple languages. Aside from the registration form, Licensee owners can submit additional custom questions.


Check-In and attendance
Once we had completed the code refactoring phase and fixed some issues on the platform, a new important feature came to mind. Due to the complexity of their Check-in process, we had to conduct a new product discovery and build new wireframes and flowcharts. Since we had to think long-term, we decided to update the user interface and frontend piece by piece, which resulted in a visibly redesigned, and much better platform.

PR merged
Test assertions
Locastic API Translation Bundle
One of the great things produced alongside this project is our Translation bundle. As a project neccessity, we developed and Open-Sourced our very own ApiPlatform translation bundle which was based on the Sylius framework. The plugin was downloaded more than 100.000 times since then.


What does the future bring?
The client repeatedly said that we had changed their lives with this platform, that they are technological leaders and the strongest in the cycling industry compared to competitors, their payments come daily and are distributed automatically, users use the platform regularly and share medals on social networks, they can organize things that were previously inaccessible to them due to the limitations of the old platform. Up until this moment, we developed a solid foundation to respond to GFNY’s current needs and include room for technological changes and new trends in the ticketing industry. The project is ongoing, and we’re hoping to maintain the cooperation in years to come.
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